quarter info bout me..

kuala lumpur, gombak, Malaysia
~i need so much love from God,family.. shafix and also my true girlfriends... ~used to addict with pink color but now is moving towards colorful.. like them =)much! ~architect to be.. insyallah.. anak no 2 yg stubborn~ ~fun-loving petite size creature on earth that might be a good friend to u...=P

bless them~

Thursday, January 20, 2011

siapa comey lagi baek hati, sila klik comey2 disini.. jasa kamu amat dikenang... =)

salam dear readers.. 
 actually we just sending one of our photos to BFF contest organized by eightDesigns Boutique...

luckly our photo have been selected to join this competition.. hope you guys like it and vote for us... tenkiu sweeties!!! <3 muah~

how to vote? easy as picking outfit~ hehe

  1.  open and click LIKE here...http://www.facebook.com/eightdesigns and 
  2. then, click LIKE here

    sahabat2.. ringankn jemari anda untuk klikklik yea~ thanks ♥ u!