quarter info bout me..

kuala lumpur, gombak, Malaysia
~i need so much love from God,family.. shafix and also my true girlfriends... ~used to addict with pink color but now is moving towards colorful.. like them =)much! ~architect to be.. insyallah.. anak no 2 yg stubborn~ ~fun-loving petite size creature on earth that might be a good friend to u...=P

bless them~

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

seniority la konon~ ekele bdk2 kecik... jgn sombong sgt...

salam... rase nk bg penampar laju2 je kat bebudk hingusan ni.. kecik2 dah sombong bongkak2... ooo nk membuli ye?? mai lawan kakak dulu mai..
adek2.... jgnla jdkan adat seniority kt boarding school tu.. tk elok.. tu suma zaman dulu kala time akak2 dulu.. legendary bukan main.. tp skang dh tk melets da u oll nk membuli ni... awal2 blgak baik la kan... beri tunjuk ajar..kakak angkat la konon.. tp lpas parents blah je.. ooo dh mancung la idung2 tu.. adek2.. no no no.. tkmau2~
i nek angin bkn pe... bkn tetibe je nk memarah kt bebudak belasan thun belagak senior ni.. cumenye.. apsal u gurls nk membuli adek bongsu i?? ha?? cukupla i je yg buli die.. hahaha..
btw, she's still new and young.. still in da process of learning and try her best to be separated from family.. this the only chance for her to be independent managing her day with her own ability without our parents help.. oohh please my dear gurls~ theres no benefit for you to test your bullying skill in front of junior.. better if u keep reading books for examination..awww poyoSSSSsssss~ haha but thats true... aiyo... tknk2 buli ni.. say NO to BULLY! 

Im not going to mentioned which school having this kind of legendary as they think its cool to have that.. and of course, for anyone who had the experiences, may cry to tell them again~ what i can say.. i just pray that these group pf girls have their 'hidayah' and can think like a normal intellectual student, which is good, and which one is bad..
 everyone has their own priority and chances to has a better day of experience.. lets we keep it good for everyone.. and last but not least.. my dear baby wani...
 kak ngah tahu bby mmg ada athritis n selalu sakit kaki.. tukar katil ngn senior tu cara yg terbaik.. dah la tk boley balik kaki sakit.. pastu paksa bby buat pesembahan.. pastu ajak geng bisik2 bajet nk buli la tu... ekele... by, diorg ingt diorg kuat sgt la tu... jgn risau by... nnt diorg sedar la tu.. harap by dpt betahan.. btw sister... your journey of the first week in the boarding school exactly looks the same as mine... hahahaha tp yg bezanye.. kakngah bandage kaki n dpt blik seminggu.. hahaha orait dear.. see u sooon... love you~


  1. huhu,,yunk ,,awat marah sgt nih,,biasala,,boarding scholl
    kasi repot sama warden je,:)

  2. haha.... tu la warden malas2... kikiki~
