quarter info bout me..
- muhammad
- kuala lumpur, gombak, Malaysia
- ~i need so much love from God,family.. shafix and also my true girlfriends... ~used to addict with pink color but now is moving towards colorful.. like them =)much! ~architect to be.. insyallah.. anak no 2 yg stubborn~ ~fun-loving petite size creature on earth that might be a good friend to u...=P
bless them~
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
opocot mak kau!
salam.. eheh sja ja kami buat2 terkejut..dak aih.. saja la nk buat gempak sat ja pon.. bru tngok belog ni dah pakat besawang abeh.. terok ngat aih.. hehe awat yg dok cakap utagha ni tatau.. hehe sja la.. da dok kedah.. biaq la ckp kedah ni.. kalau kami dok kl nanti.. kami tukaq slang naa.. eh sebenaqnya dah nak tidoq da ngatuk tahap gaban da ni.. esok kami tulis na.. tu pon kalau ghajen menaip dr ghajen memasak dan membantu mama.. hmmm.. nak cerita pasai idup kat umah.. nantikan esok naa.. hehe babai!! selamat malam.. tidoq ingat kami naa.. =)
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
salam kawan2.. sorry lama tk menulis.. buka pun tidak.. adoi malasnye.. tp bukan mls sgt sbnrnye.. intenet yg lembp cm hape lg yg buatkan sy sgt mlas untuk buka.. buat masa skang.. sy tk bpe shat.. huhue.. doakan sy cpt sembuh.. insyallah...
sy sakit mata meh.. dah 13 thun tk kne penyakit ni.. tetbe la pulak... tkpe2 dugaan... tp dpt mc.. tu yg syokk tu.. hahahahaha =D
Thursday, January 20, 2011
another wedding story~
salam dear readers~
haha i guest for the girls around my age ( yg bru meningkat 20-an), eager to know about this kind of lovely story..
i'm not joining much wedding ceremony, but for me.. every wedding that I've been attended having their own identity and theme which presenting the bride's story.. ohhh...~
lovely, calm, romantic, cheer and much more theme they tend to present..
but, whatever it is.. every wedding is WALLAAA!!!
nice to see, nice to feel...hehe
here is the wedding of sister ainil and husband..
me and friends~
perfect match~perfect couple.. they knew each other since school.. how lovely~
she's a friend of mine's sister~haha.. cik ainul.. who's wearing the blue shawl with white kurung~
white.. so soft and calm..~
farhana?? nk kawen jgk ke? hehe
saba2.. jgn lgkah bendul ye dek..hehe
the super Chicky lady haja medina~
who aimed for a' lady gaga' wedding theme! hahaha
hahahaha... tikashi and kamal... perfect couple too... the becoming bride! amin~
and me? hehehe
we love attending wedding!!! makngah maklong,makteh,makjang~
no komen..tettttttt-
'A good marriage is where two people love each other and decide to screw everything up by forcing themselves to stay together through anything. Here's to your good decision.'
for newly couple,
'May you love and hold each other in the worst of times with trust, faith and belief; hoping the best for you on your auspicious day.'
xoxo, nadia~
siapa comey lagi baek hati, sila klik comey2 disini.. jasa kamu amat dikenang... =)
salam dear readers..
actually we just sending one of our photos to BFF contest organized by eightDesigns Boutique...
luckly our photo have been selected to join this competition.. hope you guys like it and vote for us... tenkiu sweeties!!! <3 muah~
how to vote? easy as picking outfit~ hehe
- open and click LIKE here...http://www.facebook.com/eightdesigns and
- then, click LIKE here,
sahabat2.. ringankn jemari anda untuk klikklik yea~ thanksu!
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
khas buat org yg bercinta di luar sana~
manis manis gtu~
Lirik Kalau Cinta – Aliff Aziz & Joanna
Di lubuk hatiku
Adalah kamu
Sebagai ratu
Seluruh jiwaku
Hanya dirimu
Yang aku mahu
Telah ku percayakan
Hati ini padamu
Maka kita tak saling risau
Risau risau risau
Kalau cinta jangan kacau
Kalau sayang tak perlu marah
Kalau ikhlas tak minta berbalas
Serahkan cintamu
Pada yang punya cinta
Di lubuk hatiku
Adalah kamu
Yang aku perlu
Seluruh jiwaku
Hanya dirimu
Yang aku mahu
Ulang Verse
Ulang Chorus
Kau ku perlu
Kau jiwaku
Kau cintaku
Kau ku rindu
Kaulah ratu
Ulang Chorus 3X
Kaulah ratu
Kau kau cintaku
Kau ku rindu
Kau jiwaku
nyanyi ulang2 sampai lebam bibir~
there's no exact word either in dictionary or encyclopedia or even Wikipedia that suit my feeling towards you... its between heart and heart language~
i won't regret of dropping my eye's tears when my heart silently says, 'i miss u...'
btw, PS: I LOVE U................shafix
Promoter beg and kasut~
anda binggung mncari promoter yg bertauliah lg gigih untuk mengaut untung yg lumayan? TYPE ON kepada kami and SEND kn ke 8888...
hahaha.. bukan ade ape2 ye sje gedik2~ ala mcm korang tkpenah gedik cmni... tkpnah? korang tipuuuuuuu...!
sape tipu bedosa~ huahua~
ble otak sy tk bpe btul... sy akan bercakap bnyk, tk bhenti mkn sambil wt muka kerut2.. untuk luahkan perasaan yg mnjiwai hati sy buat mase sekarang ini... masalah ape? BIARLAH RAHSIA~
orait untuk melindungi perasaan yg tgh mndidih dlm hati skng ini, sy berhasrat memaparkan wajah2 gedik sy dan teman segedik sy, yg sy rase coooooool laaa... bole laaa... kalu tk coolll pun boley... lantak la korg nk ckp pe...
jnji i fikir i hot!! ops! no no no.. COOL YAWW!
haha sudala mesti mnympah tgk kan... tk kesahla... jnji i ngn shela n yana enjoy buat cmni..
lokasi: bilik kesyangn sy sendri..
pakaian: sendri punye
makeup:sendri bikin
perangai: diri sendri
senyuman: ikhlas dr hati sendri
kami syok buang tebiat cmni untuk abeskan mase kebosanan.. kalu korg nk cuba, buatla.. punggh wardrobe, amek bju pelik2 warnenye, pkai wat dunno je suda... pastu, aksikan d hdapan kamera anda!
looks stupid, but really fun!! selamat mncuba!!! yeaha!!
best friend is hard to find.. but you are the one who made it to be selected as a best friend among your friends~
chill girls!!
xoxo i know u love me..
and i love you toooo!!!
daaa... salam~
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
masya allah~ nature created by Him..
have u ever think about the greatest creations on Earth? we might neglecting them as we busy doing and managing our daily life.. keep fulfilling our needs and sometimes ignoring the environment.. ohhh! what a useless.. its a reminder for me and for everyone, lets we keep the environment clean as our grandparents did..
todays entry is just wanna share with u guys some pictures taken while me and family having picnic~ MASYA-ALLAH~ what a wonderful creation by HIM, the only ONE...
my sister... wani and nabila~
great right?... touching cool clear water while hearing bird chipping with the water flowing sound good for therapeutic treatment...
btw, next presenting you guys with other natures... walla!
paddy field wth the huge cloud behind.. really amazing.. masya allah~
kg halamanku yg indah...
motif sebenar: sy mahu pulang ke kedah!! bosan dgn bandar!!!!!!! waaaaaaa!!! nk cuti raye cina.. tiket tkde!
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